Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Life Reformation

Life Reformation. I’m not sure why, but last night I felt the need to do a little bit of spiritual reformation.  By this morning, the idea had morphed into more of a Life Reformation.

From the Online Etymology Dictionary, I found the following:

reform (v.)
c.1300, "to convert into another and better form," from O.Fr. reformer (12c.), from L. reformare "to form again, change, alter," from re- "again" + formare "to form." The noun is 1663, from the verb. Meaning "to bring (a person) away from an evil course of life" is recorded from 1413; of governments, institutions, etc., from 1432. Reformed churches (1588) usually are Calvinist as opposed to Lutheran. Reformed Judaism (1843) is a movement initiated in Germany by Moses Mendelssohn (1729-86). Reformatory "house of correction for juveniles" first recorded 1834. Reform school is attested from 1859.

I love the idea of converting into another and better form.  This week, Em is away in Atlanta and I have decided to dedicate a chunk of my time to life reformation tasks.  I’m not sure what these tasks include, but I know that in order to convert into another and better form, I’m going to have to make some changes.  

One of those changes revolves around the three electronic boxes interspersed throughout our apartment.  Yes, by a strange turn of events, we have three TV’s, all hooked up to cable.  TV has been consuming my life, influencing me, and changing me into another form.  A better form?  I think not.  

So, I’ve already begun to cut TV out of my life, at least until Friday.  I actually lived for about three years (during college) without watching TV.  Looking back, those were some of the most productive, exciting, and challenging days of my life.  After a meeting this morning, I returned home and found myself subconsciously reaching for the remote control.  I stopped myself just in time and realized how “connected” I am to the TV.  

I think part of my life transformation is going to include mixing things up so that I can begin to see life differently.  

Part of my plan for this evening is to read, yes, read.  And I’m focusing in on some spiritual material that I would like to see become ingrained in my life.  Who knows who I will be by Friday!


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