Monday, November 21, 2005

I'm back...

After a multi-month hiatus, I'm stepping back into the blog cosmos, but with more of a purpose. I want to use this blog to chronicle my journey as a counseling student, consultant, and husband: three threads that I'm currently trying to weave together. That being said, I want to share some dreams I have that encompass my various roles - dreams that I scripted the other day while I was feeling particularly inspired.

1) To have four children (I will now note that these are my dreams, not necessarily those of my wife) :)
2) To work alongside Emily (my wife)
3) To share passions with Emily
4) To be surrogate parents to kids who need us
5) To start my own counseling clinic for the underserved
6) To teach at a university and train counselors in the university/clinical setting
7) To write books that help people
8) To start a consulting firm that specializes in training consultants
9) To watch our families love on our kids (no kids, yet - these are dreams)
10) To be present for our families. To share birthdays, holidays, etc. with them
11) To buy a ranch for my dad
12) To be part of the Jones family revival - it's coming!
13) To coach basketball - high school and even college
14) To leave a godly legacy
15) To train missionaries in cross-cultural counseling
16) To work internationally to train others how to counsel those in need
17) To believe God for anything - anything!!
18) To be Emily's biggest fan and advocate. To help her thrive
19) To nurture our marriage so that it might be worthy of imitation and give others a glimpse of God's love for his people
20) To open a retreat center for underserved families


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