Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Crunching Numbers

I've spent a good part of today working on finances - filling out expense reports, paying bills, budgeting, etc. To be honest, I put off doing this kind of stuff like I put off going to the dentist (by the way, it's been over five years since I last saw a tooth expert!). Yet, like many things I dread doing, once I got started on the pile of paperwork, it wasn't so bad. I'm always surprised by how much I end up enjoying working with numbers/figures. While working, I even started thinking about people who do such work full-time and I think I can understand their mindset, even if I don't want to follow their career paths :)!

I think it's important to be holistic, breaking free from categories and labels. I'm not discounting individuality, but how many of us actually need to spend more time being individualistic?! Instead, we have a lot to learn from each other and from the host of experiences available to us. What am I avoiding that may help complete me? Who am I avoiding or discounting? How many opportunities and relationships do I miss out on because I have created a comfortable, predictable box in which to operate/live? What are some practical points of action that have remained points of inaction? Who are some people that I could invest in and learn from, even if it means giving up some of my own "individuality"? Asking and answering these questions can help us be intentional about expanding our box :)!


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